Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Introduction to my article

This is the introduction that is placed on my double page spread before the Q&A session with the band. It is written like the person who has interviewed the band has written it and is given the audience an overview of how the day of the interview was ...

We got the girls into our studio to ask them the questions you all wanna know. So on the 21st of January I asked the girls to come down to our London studio. I organised the interview for 12 o’clock, however they wanted it for 3 o’clock. (Rough Night) Thank God these girls are still down to earth as this is the first interview in years were we’ve sat and munched on biscuits and chocolate while chatting. I usually have to stick to a diet of salad and flavoured tea while speaking to some of the other stars as they need to keep their stick thin figures. I enjoyed this interview as the girls were great, and we had a good laugh, as they still seem real and normal ... Just like us I guess. Enjoy! Kyra x

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