Monday, 4 October 2010

College Magazine Brief

Analysis of the Brief

I am going to analyse the brief using the L.I.I.A.R. acronym.

Language - the language of the college magazine, on the front cover the masthead should be big and bold and should be the thing that stands out most on the page, as this is the first thing to catch the readers attention. Below the masthead should be a tag line this should be a short snappy sentence that sells the magazine to the reader. The front page should also contain a photo usually symbolising what the main story within the magazine is, it should also take up most of the cover. This photograph can sometimes cover parts of the masthead.

Institution - The institution for the new college magazine will be Wyke college, Wyke college is located in West Hull, It found it's name from the old viking name for Hull. Wyke college has on average 1300 students, which 50% of people travel to Wyke from the outside of Hull. Wyke is a sixth form college and rarely takes on mature students. The college has recently had a £20million investment creating it's newest building Oak which has the most modern technology and the latest equipment for their students. The students from Wyke have a 99.7% pass rate, showing that the students and teachers are at their academic peak.

Ideology -  The ideology of Wyke is to show to respect everyone, and that we are all equal and that as we are at a sixth form college education is now our choice and has become a benefit with top teachers. Also Wyke promotes a healthy lifestyle with a great record within Sport for all of it's different teams.

Audience The audience for the new college magazine will be 16-19 years old, most of these students live in Hull which is the 10th largest city and has a large sphere of influence, Wyke also has students from the East Riding and the magazine should refer to things happening within the whole area.

Representation - The college magazine will be read by students but also parents, Students will be represented in a positive way to show the parents that the students are in a positive clean environment and that while they are at Wyke they will achieve the best results possible. This gives the parents a good view of Wyke and are more likely to let their children attend the college.

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